Everything for you to feel safe
With the world’s most advanced backup module as the foundation,
we are building features that make updating your WordPress safer than ever before.

Backup before every update
Backup your website just before you apply an update, so that you have a fresh copy to restore.

Stage your updates
Test your updates in an independent clone of your live site and once confident, apply them to your live site.

Patch your WordPress automatically.
Choose a list of items to update automatically and we’ll take care of it.

Test your restore points
A backup is only as good as it’s restore. Test restores on the staging site to verify the backup before taking it live.

Rollback an update
Restoring a site restores the complete database and files to that restore point. You may lose the latest data in that process. Using rollback, it rolls back only the changes that happened during the update.

Scan for visual changes after an update
Visual fatigue can cause you to miss out subtle but costly changes after an update. Our visual comparison technology spots these anomalies and instantly alerts you.
Ready to make your updates safer?
Try our free, full-featured, no-risk trial for 30 days. You’ll be glad you did.
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