Testing ground for your website
A Staging site is an independent clone of your live production site to test out updates and other changes.

One-click StagingEASY SET UP
Clone your live site and create a staging site with just a click.

Test Updates in StagingKEEP YOUR LIVE SITE SAFE
Apply your updates in the Staging site and once confident, apply them to your live site.

Test Restores in StagingRELIABLE RESTORES
Apply your updates in the Staging site and once confident, apply them to your live site.

Copy Staging to LiveSAVE TIME
Save time by moving the staging site to the live site after a test update or restore. You do not have to apply the same updates all over again in the live site.
Ready to safely test your changes?
Try our free, full-featured, no-risk trial for 30 days. You’ll be glad you did.
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